We from Organic Services have been busy shaping the organic sector for more than 30 years. We understand that every choice we make on what we buy and eat has an impact on our own health, on soils, plants, animals, the environment, the climate. Each time we buy organic, seasonal, local or fair trade, we vote for instead of against our planet.
In our complex globalized world, public and private standards like organic, fair trade, ISO, HACCP and others are crucial to provide orientation for farmers, processors and traders. At the same time, they are supposed to create trust among consumers who usually pay higher prices for products which are certified against those standards. Certification bodies worldwide are responsible to ensure that this trust is deserved. Since unbiased and conscientious inspection, certification and accreditation processes involve a tremendous effort in collecting, administering and processing quality-related data, we've made it our mission to enable small and local certifiers to carry out this responsible task at the same level as big global players. Why?
Because we believe in organic.
Because we believe in professional small structures.
Because we have 30 years of relevant experience.
Because we are the global sales partner of INTACT.
Where globally operating certification bodies have the resources to afford high-end software and specialized staff to deal with these challenges, smaller, local entities often struggle. For them to successfully stand their ground, easy-to-use, efficient and affordable data and workflow tools like Ecert Basic are crucial.
Gemma Julià-Camprodon
Client Manager
Phone: +49 8158 92293 04
Email: g.julia[at]organic-services.com
Skype: gemmaos15
Javier Montanez
Client Manager
Phone: +49 8158 92293 05
Email: j.montanez[at]organic-services.com
Skype: javier.montanez5
Frank Gerriets, Director
Phone: +49 8158 92293 04
Mobile: +49 163 8691 843
Email: f.gerriets[at]organic-services.com
Skype: frankgerriets
Gerald A. Herrmann, Director
Phone: +49 8158 92293 06
Mobile: +49 177 5521 460
Email: g.herrmann[at]organic-services.com
Skype: geraldherrmann
Organic Services is an international strategy and management consultancy, specialising in the organic and sustainability sector. We focus on integrity solutions to combat fraud and misuse of quality claims. We draw on 30 years of experience and a global network on all continents. Our services for private companies and public institutions enhance sustainability, integrity and business success throughout the organic and sustainability sector. Our mission: more sustainability and transparency throughout the (food) supply chain. Following an interdisciplinary approach, we offer strategy and business development, market research, trade support, project, and event management.
Organic Services
Integrity toolset by Organic Services: Check Organic, Group Integrity and Ecert Basic (BIOFACH 2020)
The tools Ecert Basic and Group Integrity facilitate the audit and certification management of grower groups and small, local certification bodies, making their surveillance systems more robust, transparent, efficient and competitive. Our non-analytic mass balance approach, Check Organic, reveals food fraud even before the product is sold on the market. The combination of the three systems Check Organic, Group Integrity and Ecert Basic considerably facilitates the collaboration between supply chain actors (for example between a farmer group and their external certification body). This creates synergies that can benefit the industry as a whole.
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