Since we last brought you our newsletter for BIOFACH 2016, some big things have happened at Organic Services. You can read about them in this issue of the Integrity Insider, but to give you a quick overview: Check Organic now has access to even more organic certification data. We've been busy writing a series of articles on organic integrity (which is why we took a little break from our newsletter). We joined an exciting EU project on food integrity and you can help us out with it. The FederBio Integrity Platform is really starting to take off and so are Check Organic and Group Integrity. Click here to read more.
Organic Standard joins Check Organic
Our integrity article series in TOS
Joining the FoodIntegrity project
Developments in the FederBio Integrity Platform
Supply chain integrity with Check Organic
Group management with Group Integrity
Customer Profile: PDS Organic Spices
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