The module generates invoices based on existing quotes or data related to a specific customer. The “Sales and Finances” module reflects the fee system of a certification body as it offers to specify billing items which can then be booked individually or in combination during invoicing. With a very flexible system, invoices can be classified as relevant for the certification body, such as inspection invoices according to the duration of the inspection and the type of inspection, and invoices for sanctions and any kind of other services offered by certification bodies. An automated system generates a code number for each invoice, thus avoiding invoices getting lost. Additionally, an overview of all invoices for a certain client and of all invoices in a specific year or quarter is provided. This allows the certification body to analyze its income, e.g. through inspection invoices and to export an Excel file of the overview if required by a client or for financial oversight. In case the certifier also uses the customer portal, the invoice can be provided there without further manual management.